
We are Thomas and Taneyka Lammers :)
You might be wondering why we call ourselves "T-N-T"...
Well... It's because we are DY-no-MiTE! Enjoy!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Newlywed Life :)

The day we got married was the BEST day of our lives... Hands down... Alright well I'll tell you a little bit about us...
Thomas is 22 years old, but still acts like a little kid from time to time! He graduated from Pocatello High School in 2007 and served in the Canada, Toronto East Mission (which no longer exists) from 2008 to 2010. He loved every minute of it! He works for School District #25 driving bus and he loves it! I'm sure all the kids love him too :) He is the middle child with one older brother and one little brother and they all laugh the same... Not joking...
I'm Taneyka and I'm 21 years old... I graduated from Highland High School in 2008 and since then I've become a Dental Assistant through ISU and have been doing that for almost 2 years now and I love it! In fact, I haven't gone back to school yet because I love my job so much! Anyways, I had 1 older brother who passed away in 2009 and I still have 2 older sisters... So that makes me the baby!

Thomas and I met when he moved into my singles branch up at highland. His parents had moved onto Fairway when he was still on his mission. I had seen him at church but didn't know anything about him. So... here comes the fun story :) On December 18th, our branch was taking a trip to Salt Lake to look at the Temple Square lights. I had decided to go even though none of my close friends were going. It was the night before we were to go, and it was pretty late when I dropped my phone and the screen went completely black... I couldn't believe it! I was soooo angry! I was really considering not going to the temple trip because no one in my family knew I was going and I didn't want my mom to freak! Well I prayed that my phone would work and decided to get up in the morning to go anyways. As I got on the bus that we were taking to Salt Lake, I started to panic because I wasn't going to have my music or anything! So I debated leaving the bus and just going home... It was then that my phone fell off my lap and onto the bus floor and started working again! I figured that it was a sign that I needed to stay on the bus!
So when we arrived to Salt Lake I noticed a girl on the bus that I had never seen before. Since she looked a little lonely, I decided to go up and talk to her. Well she ended up being from another ward but was meeting her friend in Salt Lake that went to our branch but was already here with his family the night before. I asked her who it was and when she said "Thomas Lammers" I thought to myself... He's in our branch? I had no idea who she was talking about... She told me that he was planning on meeting up with the branch and riding back with us on the bus instead of with his family. Our Branch President let us go shopping at the Gateway before we all met up at Temple Square and it was there, in Forever 21 where Thomas and I met for the first time :) The only problem was that another boy was hanging around me and liked me and Thomas thought we were together... Although that didn't stop him from trying to be next to me in all the pictures we took or from lending me his coat :)
The next day at church My roommate and I decided to throw together a little game night at our apartment. I invited Thomas but didn't really expect him to show (partly because I forgot to give him directions... Oops!) But he was determined to go and I guess he got directions from someone because he showed up! After being on his team for most of the games we played (and we definitely kicked butt) I decided that he was pretty cool :) The best part was that my roommate told me after everyone left that Thomas and I would make a great couple and she said that we were in our own little world while playing games and that we were really in sync! Ever since that day we have been inseparable! On January 24 he asked me to date him steadily and I agreed :) Then on February 26, he proposed to me right where we first met, Temple Square :) Since that day I've been the happiest girl in the whole world! I am so lucky and couldn't ever imagine my life without him! He is the best decision I have ever made and every day I love him more and more!
Alright... For all of you that actually read all that I should give you cookies or something... That was a pretty long story and for that I apologize. I just get excited when I talk about how we met! It was such an exciting time and believe it or not I left a lot out (like how our first kiss was under a mistletoe at an ugly sweater party in front of LOTS of people...) Anyways, Thanks to all who read this and hopefully it wasn't boring!

Taneyka and Thomas Lammers <3

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